Tuesday, November 30, 2010

San Francisco Wins HOK Best Visualization!!!

That's right... HOK San Francisco's own Travis Schmiesing won the 2010 HOK BIMie award for Best Visualization by a LANDSLIDE! Not only did he and Brian Campbell do all the work themselves, Travis presented their work and left the room in awe! The Animation presented was AMAZING. Truly professional!!

The project titles of which were presented have to be left anonymous for the time being, but each left us all speechless!! These projects will hopefully be given clearance to be mentioned in a later post on hokbimsolutions.blogspot.com !!

Four awards  were handed out in four distinct categories(winners from from left to right!!!):

Category C - Best Collaboration
Irena Zamozniak from the HOK Toronto Office (a real example of raising the bar)!!!

Category A - Best Concept Design:
Kevin Shumbera from the HOK Houston Office (he got lucky)!!!

Category B - Best Design Delivery
Travon Price out of the Washington D.C. Office (really cool presentation)!!!!!!

Category D - Best Visualization
Travis Schmiesing from my home San Francisco team office (... it was... "ok" :)  )!!!

Many thanks to the buildingSMART and ATG team as well as all of the sponsors and associated partners that helped kick the event over to the next level!!!

A truly successful event!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

By the Book Part 2 - Harvesting Families from a Project Model

This post is part 2 in response to the sample Revit API application I wrote for the book entitled "Mastering Revit Architecture 2011"...  in Chapter 24 "Under the Hood of Revit."

Well, I promised I would show you the updated family export code in my previous post "By the Book Part 1 - Harvesting Families from a Project Model."... so without further procrastination...

We'll get started off by setting the code to our export button illustrated below. All this does is hide the lower buttons to make room for the progress bar and then runs the export routine. When we're all done, we'll call the close function for the form and exit out.

''' <summary>
    ''' Export the families and then quietly close
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="sender"></param>
    ''' <param name="e"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub ButtonExport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonExport.Click
        Me.ButtonCancel.Visible = False
        Me.ButtonExport.Visible = False
        Me.ButtonSelectAll.Visible = False
        Me.ButtonSelectNone.Visible = False
        ' We're all done
    End Sub

I guess we should get the last remaining function out of the way as well before we dive into the export function. The function below is used to verify that all characters used to create a file name are valid for the Windows OS.

''' <summary>
    ''' Make sure the path does not contain any invalid file naming characters
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="fileName">The Filename to check</param>
    ''' <returns>A string</returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Function CheckValidFileName(ByVal fileName As String) As String
        For Each c In Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()
            If fileName.Contains(c) Then
                ' Invalid filename characters detected...
                ' Could either replace characters or return empty
                Return ""
            End If
        Return fileName
    End Function

The export function starts out by first verifying that at least one category has been checked for export. Then a hashtable is used as a means to reference each selection (hashtables are FAST).

''' <summary>
    ''' This routine performs the exports
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub doExport()
        ' Ony export families that belong to our selected categories!
        Dim m_SelectedCategories = Me.CheckedListBoxCategories.CheckedItems
        ' Do nothing if nothing selected
        If m_SelectedCategories.Count = 0 Then
            MsgBox("You did not select any categories..." & vbCr & "Nothing to do...", _
                   MsgBoxStyle.Information, "No Categories Selected! Exiting...")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' A hashtable comes in handy when verifying multiple situations... or 1
        Dim m_CatHash As New Hashtable
        For Each xItemC In m_SelectedCategories
            m_CatHash.Add(xItemC.ToString, "Category")

The next thing to do is make sure the target directory exists for the export.

Try ' If the parent export directory is missing, create it
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Replace(Me.LabelExportPath.Text, "/", "\", , , CompareMethod.Text))
        Catch ex As Exception
            ' Message to show any errors
            MsgBox(Err.Description, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Err.Source)
        End Try

With the main directory created, we can continue with the element collection and progress bar setup. The filter below grabs all "Type" elements from the model and turns the result into an easy to use list of DB.Element.

' Filter to get a set of elements that are elementType 
        Dim m_SymbFilter As New DB.ElementIsElementTypeFilter
        Dim collector As New DB.FilteredElementCollector(m_Doc)
        ' Create a list from the collector
        Dim FamilySymbols As New List(Of DB.Element)
        FamilySymbols = collector.ToElements
        ' Start the progressbar
        Dim iCnt As Integer = 0
        Dim iCntFam As Integer = FamilySymbols.Count
        Me.ProgressBar1.Visible = True
        Me.ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0
        Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum = iCntFam
        Me.ProgressBar1.Value = iCnt

Now we can iterate the element list and perform the necessary exports as external RFA files.

' The export process
For Each x As DB.Element In FamilySymbols
    If (TypeOf x Is DB.FamilySymbol) Then
        Dim m_category As DB.Category = x.Category
        If Not (m_category Is Nothing) Then
            ' Is it a selected category?
            If m_CatHash.Contains(m_category.Name) Then
                Dim m_ExportPath As String = ""
                Try ' Create the subdirectory
                    m_ExportPath = Me.LabelExportPath.Text & "\" & m_category.Name & "\"
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Replace(m_ExportPath, "/", "\", , , CompareMethod.Text))
                Catch ex As Exception
                    ' Category subdirectory exists
                End Try
                Try ' The family element
                    Dim m_FamSymb As DB.FamilySymbol = x
                    Dim m_FamInst As DB.Family = m_FamSymb.Family
                    Dim m_FamName As String = m_FamInst.Name
                    ' Verify famname is valid filename and exists
                    If Dir$(m_ExportPath + m_FamName & ".rfa") = "" And CheckValidFileName(m_FamName) <> "" Then
                        Me.LabelFileName.Text = "...\" & m_category.Name & "\" & m_FamInst.Name
                        Dim famDoc As DB.Document = m_Doc.EditFamily(m_FamInst)
                        famDoc.SaveAs(m_ExportPath + m_FamName & ".rfa")
                    End If
                Catch ex As Exception
                    ' Prevent hault on system families
                End Try
            End If
        End If
    End If
    ' Step the progress bar

That's it! Now you have the means to quickly harvest families from a Revit 2011 model.

If you have any questions or suggestions for other Revit 2011 code solutions, don't hesitate to leave a comment or ask a question.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

By the Book Part 1 - Harvesting Families from a Project Model

This post is part 1 in response to the sample Revit API application I wrote for the book entitled "Mastering Revit Architecture 2011"... in Chapter 24 "Under the Hood of Revit." The book has a five star amazon rating (I'm sure most of it is due to the insane quality of Chapter 24). It's also available on Kindle!!!

I'm sure you'll also be excited to know that ALL of the authors for the above mentioned book will be at Autodesk University 2010 this week in Las Vegas!... So if you like autographs, bring your book and start yourself a man hunt to find these guys!... weeeee

I'll have to admit, I wrote the original sample very quickly and could have done a better job in terms of its feature availability. For instance, I left out the ability to select categories to export! That's right, this post will add functionality for category selection!

First create a form named "form_Main" and add a checked listbox named "CheckedListBoxCategories" along with five buttons named "ButtonSelectAll", "ButtonSelectNone", "ButtonExport", "ButtonCancel", and "ButtonBrowse." Add a progress bar named "ProgressBar1" and a few labels named "LabelExportPath", "LabelFileName", and "LabelExport." When you're done, your form should resemble something close to the image below.

Now that we've got the interface all worked out, let's get the form class constructor put together. The code below shows the required imports along with the basic class constructor that will be called to eventually display the form.

Imports Autodesk.Revit
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.IO

Public Class form_FamilyExport

    Private m_App As UI.UIApplication = Nothing
    Private m_Doc As DB.Document

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Form class constructor, don't forget InitializeComponent()
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="cmdData">The UI.ExternalCommandData object</param>
    ''' <param name="strAppVer">Application Version</param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Sub New(ByVal cmdData As UI.ExternalCommandData, ByVal strAppVer As String)
        ' Private variables
        m_App = cmdData.Application
        m_Doc = m_App.ActiveUIDocument.Document
        ' Form configurations
        Me.Text = "Batch Export Families - " & strAppVer
        Me.ProgressBar1.Visible = False
        Me.ButtonExport.Enabled = False
        ' Set default export path adjacent to model location
        ' If workshared, use the central model path
        If m_Doc.IsWorkshared = True Then
                Me.LabelExportPath.Text = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_Doc.WorksharingCentralFilename) & "\Exported Families\"
            Catch ex As Exception
                ' Detached model will not have a file path
            End Try
            Me.LabelExportPath.Text = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_Doc.PathName) & "\Exported Families\"
        End If
        ' Clear the list
        Me.CheckedListBoxCategories.CheckOnClick = True
        Me.LabelFileName.Text = ""
        Me.LabelExportPath.Text = ""
        ' Get all categories
    End Sub

End Class

Everything so far is the same as what we talk about in the book except for the call to a function named GetCategories(). This new category function is very basic and only collects the names of all categories available in your Revit environment. The results are then recorded into the checkedlistbox on our form. The function below collects the strings into a list first so we can sort them and then from the list to the listbox.

''' <summary>
    ''' Get a list of all 'non tag' categories
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub GetCategories()
        ' Full list of Categories
        Dim categoryList As New List(Of String)
        For Each category As DB.Category In m_Doc.Settings.Categories
        ' Alpha sort the list
        ' Add categories to the listbox
        For Each x As String In categoryList
            If InStr(UCase(x), "TAGS", CompareMethod.Text) = 0 Then
                ' Add the category
            End If
    End Sub

Now that we have a massive list of categories we should probably provide a quick means for selecting all or none of the items in the list. The code illustrates how the ButtonSelectNone and ButtonSelectAll buttons to their thing.

''' <summary>
    ''' Uncheck all items in the listbox
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="sender"></param>
    ''' <param name="e"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub ButtonSelectNone_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectNone.Click
        For i As Integer = 0 To CheckedListBoxCategories.Items.Count - 1
            CheckedListBoxCategories.SetItemChecked(i, False)
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Check all items in listbox
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="sender"></param>
    ''' <param name="e"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub ButtonSelectAll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSelectAll.Click
        For i As Integer = 0 To CheckedListBoxCategories.Items.Count - 1
            CheckedListBoxCategories.SetItemChecked(i, True)
    End Sub

The updated export code will be demonstrated in "By the Book Part 2 - Harvesting Families from a Project Model", so stay tuned to see all that excitement!...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Classy Way to Handle Revit Parameters

You may have noticed some of my previous posts referencing a clsPara object. I've been getting lots of interesting questions regarding this object and how it's built and just what the heck it does. Well... I guess I'll share.

My clsPara class is entirely reusable and very handy for handling data transactions in and out of parameters. Not only does this object connect with built-in parameters, it also connects with element properties! I know, its SO super exciting (breathe).

Let's start from the beginning... create a new class named clsPara and add the basic Autodesk.Revit reference as illustrated below.

Imports Autodesk.Revit

''' <summary>
''' An awesome class used to define a parameter
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Class clsPara

End Class

The next thing we need to do is provide a constructor that we can use to build this class into a meaningful object. All we need to accept as an argument is a Revit parameter. We'll handle all the rest internally within the class in a very simple yet highly efficient manner.

Private m_parameter As DB.Parameter

''' <summary>
''' Constructor
''' </summary>
''' <param name="parameter">Revit Parameter Object</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub New(ByVal parameter As DB.Parameter)
   m_parameter = parameter
End Sub

Our new clsPara object can now be called from anywhere in the project with the following code and argument (where myParam is a valid Revit Parameter reference):

Dim myLittleParam As New clsPara(myParam)

The next step is to provide all the basic data interaction routines and properties. We'll start with the data interactions for retrieving data from a Revit Parameter within the class.

''' <summary>
    ''' Get a parameter's value
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="parameter"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Shared Function GetParameterValue(ByVal parameter As DB.Parameter) As String
        'public static Object GetParameterValue(Parameter parameter) 
        Select Case parameter.StorageType
            Case DB.StorageType.[Double]
                'get value with unit, AsDouble() can get value without unit 
                Return parameter.AsDouble
            Case DB.StorageType.ElementId
                ' Returns Only the ElementID
                Return parameter.AsElementId.IntegerValue
            Case DB.StorageType.[Integer]
                'get value with unit, AsInteger() can get value without unit 
                Return parameter.AsInteger
            Case DB.StorageType.None
                Return parameter.AsValueString()
            Case DB.StorageType.[String]
                Return parameter.AsString()
            Case Else
                Return ""
        End Select
    End Function

Now another function to SET a value to a parameter:

''' <summary>
    ''' Set a Parameter's value
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="parameter"></param>
    ''' <param name="value"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Shared Sub SetParameterValue(ByVal parameter As DB.Parameter, ByVal value As Object)
        'first,check whether this parameter is read only 
        If parameter.IsReadOnly Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Select Case parameter.StorageType
            Case DB.StorageType.[Double]
                'set value with unit, Set() can set value without unit 
                parameter.SetValueString(TryCast(value, String))
                Exit Select
            Case DB.StorageType.ElementId
                Dim myElementId As DB.ElementId = DirectCast((value), DB.ElementId)
                'MsgBox("Reminder to finish elementid write routine...")
                Exit Select
            Case DB.StorageType.[Integer]
                'set value with unit, Set() can set value without unit 
                parameter.SetValueString(TryCast(value, String))
                Exit Select
            Case DB.StorageType.None
                parameter.SetValueString(TryCast(value, String))
                Exit Select
            Case DB.StorageType.[String]
                parameter.[Set](TryCast(value, String))
                Exit Select
            Case Else
                Exit Select
        End Select
    End Sub

Now that we can set and get a value for a Revit Parameter... let's add some functionality to react within the class using some handy properties!!! Exciting, I know....

''' <summary>
    ''' This property will return the value!!
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <value></value>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Property Value() As String
                Return GetParameterValue(m_parameter)
                Return Nothing
            End Try
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
                SetParameterValue(m_parameter, value)
            End Try
        End Set
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' What's the unit type, anyway?
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <value></value>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public ReadOnly Property DisplayUnitType() As String
                Return m_parameter.DisplayUnitType.ToString
                Return Nothing
            End Try
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' True if this is a Read Only parameter such as Area!!
    ''' Will not fail when trying to write to a read-only parameter!!
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <value></value>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public ReadOnly Property ParameterIsReadOnly() As Boolean
                Return m_parameter.IsReadOnly
                Return Nothing
            End Try
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Returns true or false if this is a Shared Parameter!
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <value></value>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public ReadOnly Property ParameterIsShared() As Boolean
                Return m_parameter.IsShared
                Return Nothing
            End Try
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Returns the type of parameter, sometimes useful
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <value></value>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public ReadOnly Property ParaType() As String
                Return m_parameter.GetType.Name
                Return Nothing
            End Try
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Returns the parameter name
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <value></value>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public ReadOnly Property ParaName() As String
                Return m_parameter.Definition.Name
                Return Nothing
            End Try
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' <summary>
    ''' This property will return the data format!
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <value></value>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public ReadOnly Property Format() As String
                Return m_parameter.StorageType.ToString
                Return Nothing
            End Try
        End Get
    End Property

... I know!!! Don't forget to breathe!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tracking Revision Clouds in Revit 2011 can be a bit... Cloudy

Have you ever tried to schedule Revision Clouds in Revit 2011?... not so fun when you find that it is impossible... not to mention that if you select a revision cloud in a sheet and try the ol "Select All Instances" that the option is NOT supported for Revision Clouds... WTF....

Imagine if you had a means to export all revision clouds in your model to a neat and easy to view Excel document where you could see the sheet number of the sheet that the cloud displays on along with even the comments and revision date and sequence information... that would be pretty cool, huh?

I think this is a real short coming of Revit 2011, so here is a bit of code I used to solve the problem. I obviously cannot give you ALL of the code (what fun would that be?)... but I will share with you how I got ahold of the elements and then queried their view names and target sheet numbers and names.

First create a form and drop a filesave dialog from the tools menu and name it "SaveFileDialogCSV"... set the filetype filter to CSV... bla bla bla... The code below demonstrates the verification on the resulting file saved by the dialog. Eventually when satisfied there is a little function called "doScan" that actually scans the model for the Revision Cloud elements.

If SaveFileDialogCSV.FileName <> "" Then
    If File.Exists(SaveFileDialogCSV.FileName) = True Then
            ' Start with a clean file
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End If
    ' Scan for Revision Cloud Elements
    MsgBox("Please select a valid file name and location", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error")
End If

The next section of code generates a couple lists. One list for the Revision Cloud elements in the project selected by category and one for the sheets that exist in the model. This sample will ignore revision cloud elements that are on views that are not placed on sheets since if they aren't on a sheet, they are not part of the documentation (sounded logical at the time). At the end, we make sure the model has at least one sheet before we continue.

' Collect Sheets
m_Sheets = New List(Of DB.Element)
Dim m_SheetCollector As New DB.FilteredElementCollector(m_Doc)
m_Sheets = m_SheetCollector.ToElements

' Collect Revision Clouds
m_RevClouds = New List(Of DB.Element)
Dim m_RevCloudCollector As New DB.FilteredElementCollector(m_Doc)
m_RevClouds = m_RevCloudCollector.ToElements

' No sheets... no revisions!
If m_Sheets.Count < 1 Then Me.Close()

Now the next section saves the data it finds for each ViewSheet into a class named clsSheetMapper (not shown) so I can maintain an easy reference to the data between the clouds found on sheets and their host sheets.

' List all sheets and views for easy reference
        For Each x As DB.ViewSheet In m_Sheets
            ' Sheet element
            Dim m_Sht As New clsSheetMapper(x.Id.ToString, True)
            ' Sheet Number
            Dim m_ShtNumber As String = x.SheetNumber
            m_Sht.SheetNumber = m_ShtNumber
            ' Sheet Name
            Dim m_ShtName As String = x.Name
            m_Sht.SheetName = x.Name
            ' Add the view to the master list
            ' Add the Views
            For Each y As DB.Element In x.Views
                ' View element
                Dim m_View As New clsSheetMapper(y.Id.ToString, False)
                ' Sheet Number
                m_View.SheetNumber = m_ShtNumber
                ' Sheet Name
                m_View.SheetName = m_ShtName
                ' View Name
                m_View.ViewName = y.Name
                ' Add the view to the master list

The next bit of code finishes it up by scanning the revision cloud elements into a class named clsRevCloud I use to collect all of the view naming, sheet data and Revision Cloud parameter data into a single class and saving their parameter data to yet another secret class not shown named clsPara.

' Write the title line in our CSV file
        writeCSVline("Sheet Number, Sheet Name, View Name, ElementID, Revision Number, Revision Date, Comments, Mark, Issued To, Issued By")
        ' Process Revision Cloud Elements
        For Each m_RevCloud As DB.Element In m_RevClouds
            ' Create a matching Rev Item
            Dim m_RevItem As New clsRevcloud(m_RevCloud.Id.ToString)
            ' Test for viewID
            For Each x As clsSheetMapper In m_ViewsList
                    If x.ViewID = m_Doc.Element(m_RevCloud.OwnerViewId).Id.ToString Then
                        ' This is the view item
                        If x.SheetNumber IsNot Nothing Then
                            m_RevItem.SheetNumber = x.SheetNumber
                        End If
                        If x.SheetName IsNot Nothing Then
                            m_RevItem.SheetName = x.SheetName
                        End If
                        If x.ViewName IsNot Nothing Then
                            m_RevItem.ViewName = x.ViewName
                        End If
                        For Each y As DB.Parameter In m_RevCloud.Parameters
                            Dim myPara As New clsPara(y)
                            If myPara.Value IsNot Nothing Then
                                Select Case y.Definition.Name.ToUpper
                                    Case "REVISION NUMBER"
                                        m_RevItem.RevisionNumber = myPara.Value
                                    Case "REVISION DATE"
                                        m_RevItem.RevisionDate = myPara.Value
                                    Case "COMMENTS"
                                        m_RevItem.Comments = myPara.Value
                                    Case "MARK"
                                        m_RevItem.Mark = myPara.Value
                                    Case "ISSUED TO"
                                        m_RevItem.IssuedTo = myPara.Value
                                    Case "ISSUED BY"
                                        m_RevItem.IssuedBy = myPara.Value
                                End Select
                            End If
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Catch ex As Exception
                    ' Some may not have an ownerID
                End Try

Now that we've got this handy list of classes with all of the sheet, view, and parameter data we can iterate them all and write the results to an external file... in this case it is a CSV file.

' Write all of the records
        For Each x As clsRevcloud In m_Revs
            ' Skip items without a sheet number
            If x.SheetNumber IsNot Nothing And x.SheetNumber <> "" Then
                Dim LineItem As String = ""
                LineItem = x.SheetNumber & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.SheetName & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.ViewName & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.ElementID & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.RevisionNumber & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.RevisionDate & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.Comments & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.Mark & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.IssuedTo & ","
                LineItem = LineItem & x.IssuedBy
                ' Write the Line
            End If

That's it... now if you ever have a HUGE project and a needy client that wants this data each time to issue a revision set, you can export a handy report for their use as well as for you to help keep track of your changes in your models.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where the Heck are all the AU2010 Handouts?... Lost?

I've been getting messages about where people can download the handout that I uploaded for my CP333-1 class. I logged into AU's website and looked around to see if I could find where/how to download the handouts and I'll have to say, I had NO LUCK.

Where are the handouts? I looked everywhere I could think of searching high and low with no luck.

So to get around this I'll post a link to where you can download the handout on my own personal data store (NOT AN AU SITE). You can download the CP333-1 Handout here.

I'm wondering if AU is delaying the actual post of the handouts pending their own edits?... not sure what is really going on.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Closing a Microsoft Access 2007 Session with Yet Even More Brute Force! (part 2)

My post back in October regarding how to close MsAccess with Brute Force (Part 1) left out a few other tricks... I'll admit this is a freaky thing to deal with to say the least so here are a few BONUS functions that can help you deal with shutting down a Microsoft Access 2007 Interop session programmatically:..

The KillMsAccessApps is a function that iterates through all open processes running on your machine and kills the ones that are named MSACCESS... quite effective indeed.

''' <summary>
    ''' Close and destroy all MSACCESS Applications
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Sub KillMsAccessApps()
        For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcessesByName("MSACCESS")
        Next p
    End Sub

You may also need to minimize a session of Microsoft Access 2007 from time to time. Since I'm in such a good mood today, I'll throw in these three BONUS snips for minimizing an MSACCE.

''' <summary>
    ''' Minimize all MSACCESS Applications
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Sub MinimizeMsAccessApps()
        For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcessesByName("MSACCESS")
            ShowWindow(p.MainWindowHandle, SHOW_WINDOW.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED)
        Next p
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' For minimizing applications
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="hWnd"></param>
    ''' <param name="nCmdShow"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal nCmdShow As SHOW_WINDOW) As Boolean

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Human readable flag enums for minimizing applications
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    <Flags()> _
    Private Enum SHOW_WINDOW As Integer
        SW_HIDE = 0
        SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
        SW_NORMAL = 1
        SW_MAXIMIZE = 3
        SW_SHOW = 5
        SW_MINIMIZE = 6
        SW_SHOWNA = 8
        SW_RESTORE = 9
        SW_SHOWDEFAULT = 10
        SW_MAX = 11
    End Enum

Debugging a .NET 3.5 Class with Revit 2011 from Visual Studio 2010

Have you ever tried to build a Revit 2011 addin in Visual Studio 2010 only to discover that your debug will not work!!!??? This can be very frustrating but easily fixed if you follow the quick configuration steps illustrated in this post!!

You will need to make a couple minor configurations to both the Autodesk Revit 2011 configuration file and the Visual Studio 2010 development environment in order to successfully debug a Visual Studio 2010 application.

Since all projects built for Autodesk Revit 2011 must be compiled targeting the Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework, you will first need to set your Visual Studio project to target the .NET Framework 3.5:

The Visual Studio 2010 default .NET Framework is 4.0 while the required .NET Framework for Autodesk Revit 2011 is 3.5. You will need to specify a target framework environment in the Revit 2011 executable configuration file so Visual Studio doesn’t try to debug in its default .NET Framework 4 mode.

Modify the Revit.exe.config file to support debug with Visual Studio 2010 by navigating to the Program directory beneath your Revit product's installation directory and open the XML formatted file named “Revit.exe.config” in an ASCII text editor such as Notepad.exe.

Add the following three lines highlighted in yellow just inside the closing tag of “configuration” to allow debug control with Visual Studio 2010:

That's it!... You can now debug a Revit 2011 addin from Visual Studio 2010